Expedition Resources

Expedition food systems

Expedition Food Systems

Planning an expedition menu that is tasty, nutritious, affordable, and sustainable is an art. Here are some basic systems to get you started. Fresh food livens up your meals Carrying fresh food can add a lot of excitement to trip...

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PLanning backcountry trisp with kids

Planning Trips with Children

By Jamie Orfald-Clarke, Boreal River Rescue instructor Many parents who enjoy spending time canoeing want to share that enthusiasm with their children. While having children along on an expedition can add new challenges and potential risks, you can plan a...

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Repair kit contents

Repair Kit & Canoe Repair Basics

By Jamie Orfald-Clarke, Boreal River Rescue instructor A good canoe repair kit can prevent everything from sleepless, mosquito-infested nights to risky and expensive evacuations. But even the most well-stocked repair kit won’t do any good if it’s too heavy or...

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Remote wilderness expedition preparation

5 Elements of a Wilderness Safety Plan

Are you planning a remote wilderness expedition? If so, you should have a safety plan. These 5 steps are crucial to building a good safety plan for the backcountry and getting it into the right hands.  When it comes to...

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Adding science into backcountry expeditions

Adding Science into Your Expedition

By Dalal Hanna, National Geographic Explorer, Freshwater Ecologist, PhD Student at McGill University When you’re out in the woods, opportunities to learn about science are all around you. From the types of trees and plants you find in the forest, to...

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