Group Training

Get professional group training at your location or bring your group to us

We provide experienced instructors, quality equipment, and practical, hands-on training. All you have to do is organize a group of students—and we can help with that too.

Contact a group training coordinator

Group training options include: 

  • Whitewater Rescue / Swiftwater Rescue
  • Wilderness First Aid & First Responder
  • Ice Safety and Rescue
  • Whitewater Paddling Skills (canoe, kayak, and raft)
  • Motor Boat Operator
  • Wilderness Skills, Leadership & Risk Management

Choose between a private ‘closed’ course for your group only or an ‘open’ course that welcomes public registration.

Gain confidence from customized, professional training

We're committed to providing you with training that's customized to the needs of your group. Students learn through hands-on practice, gaining valuable experience with long-lasting results.

Boreal River Rescue programs are known for being consistently high quality and professionally-run.

Expert instructors create realistic scenarios — relevant to the setting that you operate in — so participants gain the confidence, skills, and knowledge to manage safety and make good decisions in the field.

Certification programs across Canada

We provide internationally recognized certifications to organizations nationwide, including:

  • Camps, outfitters, and guiding companies operating whitewater trips and wilderness programs
  • Natural resource management and research field personnel
  • Firefighters requiring NFPA 2500 and 1006 compliant training
  • Military, SAR teams, and special forces needing advanced technical rescue skills
  • Land-based school educators and students in experiential education programs
  • Hunters, fishers, and land guardians working in remote locations

Our clients include government organizations, non-profits, emergency services, schools, companies, and clubs. See the organizations we work with.

Why organize group training?

  1. Host training on your schedule and location — our instructors travel to you. 
  2. Tailor the course to your specific needs. 
  3. Standardize skills and safety practices across your team.

We’ll collaborate to ensure a smooth experience and can help you spread the word about your course.

Who trains with us?

Kativik regional government logo
Mattawa tribal council logo
wasaga beach fire department
tim hortons camp logo
Selwyn house school logo
Cree nation of Mistissini logo
Canadian outback rafting company logo
cree nation of waskaganish logo
Camp Wanapitei logo
Saskatchewan water security agency logo
Wedge rafting logo
Cégep de St-Félicien logo
Parks Canada logo
Ottawa volunteer Search and Rescue logo
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi logo
Department of national defence logo
Ontario ministry of natural resources logo
Fisheries and oceans Canada logo
Environment and Climate Change Canada logo
British Columbia Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness logo
Whitewater ontario logo
Lakehead university logo